Individual Sessions

Intuitive, Energetic Connections, Consulting, Tarot



My Style:

In life, everyone has their own way, their own style, their own path.  It is the same in the spiritual realm.  Every teacher, every reader, every guide has his or her own way of connecting – of being present in and with Divine energy. Before every reading, I have a ritual of protection and prayer.  I always pray for Creator to hollow me out and make me a bone.  I pray for all of me to step aside so that what comes forth for you is clear, pure truth and Love.   I also always pray that you are given what you need in the way and words that is for your highest good.

Each session is an opportunity for you to reconnect.  I say reconnect because I am not special, we are all connected.  We all can hear and see and “know.”   We are all holy beings. I believe sometimes we need a second being to confirm our own wisdom.  We all seek counsel, guidance and confirmation of our journey.  That is part of our humanness.  I am here to offer you those things – to give a voice to your song, to your dreams, to your own intuition. I am here, hoping to assist you in your connection to the Holy.  There is a recognition and a remembrance in the evolution of prayer.  Living is a prayer and I pray I am part of, an opening, a stepping stone in your own lifelong journey to the Divine.

A session with me is a combination of clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), clairsentience (clear feeling), clairempathy (clear emotion) coupled with my deep soul connection to the tarot.  It is my experience, that tarot is another modality of connection to the Divine.  It serves the purpose of guiding you, supporting you, helping define and direct you to take the next and best steps in your soul’s journey. I am not bound by books or formal definitions but rather, allow the cards to be a channel of wisdom from Creator to you. They are story tellers and each time the story is different because it is your story. In that, there is no judgment, no good or bad in any card or in any circumstance in life. Tarot allows you the psychological and spiritual benefit of examining an issue or yourself without the baggage  we carry with other prescribed belief systems. The symbols in the tarot can be interpreted by any faith, tradition, culture or religion. The entire universe can be found in single card. I love how I can look at the same card a thousand times and then one day see something in the card I have never seen before.

Some sessions I use the cards and some sessions they remain observers.  There is no right or wrong in the way one approaches the process; as long as the intention is Love.

Preparing For A Reading:

One of my agreements with Creator is that each of you who seeks guidance is doing so because you have an innate desire to evolve.  I believe it helps you get the most out of your time with Spirit if you sit in silence, prayer or contemplation before a reading and think about your specific questions or areas of concern.  Of course, we can do a general reading and see what Spirit wants you to know but, I find most people seek readings for a specific reason or with a specific issue they want to examine.

I am a truth speaker, and this means that I do not sugar coat messages and you may not receive the answer you want.  My agreement with Creator is to walk in truth and Love – everything else is secondary.  Spirit will reveal to you only what you are ready to hear.  Occasionally, something may be shared with you that does not resonate with you.  I only speak what I am shown and so, I ask you to hold on to that thing.  Often the meaning will reveal itself to you at the appropriate time.  Most of the time, I do not remember what is shared with you because the words, the readings, the energy is yours.  You are welcome to take notes or record your session.

We all have free will and just because something is seen today in a certain way does not mean you don’t have the ability to shift the path of your reality.  Joseph Campbell says it perfectly, ” We must be willing to let go of the life we planned so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”  We are all co-creators in the divine matrix and have the ability to evolve in every moment.  Our divine dance of evolution in this lifetime is a gift.